Unreasonable Neighbors
Since living in my geologically founded house for over two years, one thing has become clear: the neighborhood is good, with the exception of those folks next door. Pieces of trash lays strewn in the treeline between our yards, the raspy unpleasant voice of the live-in stepfather can frequently be heard cursing at the wife and daughters, years of spent kitty-litter is piled up in the back corner of their yard, and a pride of non-fixed cats continue to produce litter after litter of kittens that aren't properly cared for or loved. Well, things just got worse. Despite politely asking the stepfather not to, he has taken it upon himself to remove the row of 10 foot tall tree/shrubs between our yard.
Where there once was a lush thick green line of vegetation separating my property from that of my despised neighbors, there now is just the trash that was caught in the treeline. He claims that he is going to put up a 4-foot picket fence in place, but that doesn't allow for the same amount of privacy or beauty that the bushes did. I'm not even sure that the bushes were on his property, but one thing is clear - there is no reasoning with people this ignorant and selfish. If he wants to do something, he is going to do it and if you try to stand in the way, you're likely to be next in line for the chainsaw. I guess all I can do now is hope that he follows through with the fence, but decides to make it 8 feet tall instead of 4 to hide the ugliness of their trash-ridden yard.
These bushes were one of the bigger selling-points of the house when I bought it two years ago, so I am confident that my property value has just been decreased significantly. Thanks a lot, assholes!
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